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Plan a leisure event

Dubai is renowned for attracting world-class leisure, culture and entertainment events, from concerts and festivals to sporting tournaments and more.

Tools to help you run your leisure event

From listing your event on Dubai Calendar to exploring sponsorship opportunities and applying for permits, discover key resources to help you run your leisure event.


Services and support for leisure events

Find out how Dubai Calendar team can support and help promote your leisure event.


Appear in Dubai Calendar

List your event on Dubai Leisure Calendar and showcase your event to a global audience.


Sponsorships for leisure events

DET offers sponsorship schemes aimed at supporting international leisure events taking place in Dubai.


Apply for an event permit

As an event organiser, follow the simple steps to complete your registration to start selling tickets to an event.

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Unlock events, Unlock the city - Dubai Calendar #NeverMissOut

Event planning booklet
A step-by-step guide to the e-Permit and e-Ticketing registration process
Upcoming events in
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More from Dubai for events

Everything you need to know about planning business and leisure events in Dubai

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