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Plan a business event

Over the past decade, Dubai has cemented its position as a leading business events destination, prioritising safety and the delegate experience.

Dubai for Business Events

Find out more about our team and our services.

Let us help you

Dedicated support for business events

Dubai Business Events is the city's official convention bureau, supporting some of the world's most prestigious business events taking place in the emirate.

Meet the team

Meet the team

Meet the international talent behind the planning and execution of exceptional business events in Dubai.

The Al Safeer Ambassador Programme

Al Safeer Ambassador programme

The Al Safeer Programme exists to both help build Dubai as a business event destination and provide industry leaders a platform to promote their industry internationally.

business people meeting

Helping you run a successful event

We offer a range of tools and services to help organisers arrange successful events in Dubai, from providing introductions to helping with venues, logistics and permits.

Success storiesImpactful events in Dubai

Dubai Business Events guide - download

About Dubai Business Events
A guide to Dubai's official convention bureau and the free services it provides
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