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Open an industry association

Business associations and trade bodies play vital roles in the growth of industries, supporting professional development, driving innovation and encouraging collaboration.
Dubai Association Centre conference
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Being based in a global hub, Dubai Association Centre offers associations a unique opportunity to expand into some of the world’s fastest growing economies.

About Dubai Association Centre

About DAC

In Dubai, there has long been a recognition of the value of associations and their impact on knowledge and economic development, and this has been underlined in recent years through the growth of the Dubai Association Centre (DAC).
Dubai Association Centre, DAC

For all business needs

Established by Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Dubai Tourism and Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC), DAC offers assistance for the establishment of non-profit, apolitical and nonreligious professional associations and trade bodies in Dubai, also giving them a platform to expand into the wider region
DAC, Dubai Association Centre, Presentation

A range of benefits

Setting up through DAC, associations are able to benefit from economies of scale, flexibility and adaptability, buying power, experience in the association marketplace, and centralised DAC facilities within its new headquarters in DWTC’s One Central development.
DAC Dubai Association Centre, Networking

Contact Dubai Association Centre

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