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Global industry giants choose Dubai

A global hub with world-class infrastructure and business-centric ecosystem, the emirate enables your enterprise to grow.

Important Hub
between East & West

Global access

The city is a global leader in innovation, a hyper-connected hub between east and west, providing unrivalled access to the world’s highest-potential economies.

Dubai's strength is in diversification and is embracing a future dominated by technological and research-based industries. It continues to attract the highest levels of FDI in the world in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics.

In 2019, the World Bank ranked the UAE number one in the region for ease of doing business. This reflects not just ease of setting up, but the city’s established trade and industry networks and multi-sectoral efforts that have been made to increase efficiency. Dubai attracts those seeking to expand or consolidate global operations.

Drone in Dubai

International giants

Global giant Visa will open its regional HQ in Dubai in 2021. The digital payments firm will build its new headquarters in the heart of Dubai Internet City (DIC) and Dubai Media City (DMC) and will cover 100,000 square feet.

Chinese gaming giant Tencent Games has also chosen DIC as a base for its regional operations, because of its dynamic environment, vibrant knowledge community and cluster of innovation-driven tech businesses.

Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) is already home to 17 of the world’s top 20 banks and financial services firms, five of the top 10 global insurance and reinsurance leaders, and many prominent asset management companies.

International giants

Why Dubai?

The emirate’s thriving logistics industry, dynamic market, innovative outlook and competitive environment are all key factors in making Dubai a strong choice when expanding or opening your business.

Dubai’s free zones have been purposely designed to provide an efficient and supportive, offering 100% foreign ownership, tax-free policies, full repatriation of profits, low-cost set up and renewal structures.

Dubai’s free zone model has shown the adaptability to serve Fortune 500 companies such as Microsoft and Cisco. Free zones are one of its most successful diversification initiatives to date, demonstrating how agility can be applied to maximum effect within a dynamic business environment.

The city’s free zones offer completely scalable business models, with no need for a local sponsor or agent. They offer dedicated areas for segmented industries, contributing to their growing role as innovation cradles aiding R&D to tap into cutting-edge knowledge to launch next generation products and services. The UAE is home to 45 free zones, the majority of which are in Dubai.


Robust regulation

The city boasts a robust regulatory framework through four jurisdictions: the Dubai Courts; DIFC Courts; and two arbitration centres, the DIFC LCIA (London Court of International Arbitration) and the DIAC (Dubai International Arbitration Centre).

The regulatory and legislative framework in Dubai is further reinforced by the city’s micro-focus on public-private partnerships, enabling a two-way dialogue on policies to ease doing business. DFSA offers an Innovation Testing License, allowing firms to test their concepts within the DIFC. Launched in 2017, the firms can apply via the regulator’s annual ITL Cohort.

Robust regulation

World Class Infrastructure

The city’s significant investment in both physical and digital infrastructure is designed to enable seamless trade of products, services and knowledge; it also underpins the ability to engage in cross-border collaboration and information sharing to solve global challenges and empower innovative-thinkers across every industry.

The readiness of infrastructure also enables increased operational efficiencies, enhanced employee productivity and expedited go-to-market and service delivery capabilities, all of which are integral to achieve scale and growth. Also, a multicultural workforce with easy recruitment procedures means company’s can begin operation faster and with fewer complications.

What’s more, 25-year lease options, warehouse facilities, the availability of areas for production and assembly, research and development, testing and manufacturing make Dubai attractive for new businesses as well as more established companies.

World Class Infrastructure

Dubai Future Foundation

Redefining the regulatory landscape

Dubai Future Foundation’s Regulatory Lab brings law and policy makers together with academia, scientists and business leaders to help redefine the regulatory landscape to enable innovation and create a reliable framework to support emerging business models.

Global data centres

Microsoft arrives to the Middle East

In June 2019, Microsoft opened its first two data centres in the Middle East to meet the demand of a fourfold spending increase in cloud services forecast for the region between 2017 and 2022. These data centres in Dubai and Abu Dhabi are Microsoft’s first in the Middle East.

Free Zones

A success model

The city’s free zone model is being replicated globally, with good reason, as it has attracted a larger share of trade and FDI than any other comparable programme in the world.

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