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Dubai’s business landscape

As a hyper-connected pro-business hub bridging the East and the West, Dubai offers unrivalled access to the world’s fastest-growing economies.

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Global Gateway

An established gateway to the wider Middle East, Africa and South Asia, Dubai is a key location on the Africa-China trade development corridor, known as the ‘new silk road’.
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US$12.8 trillion 


Dubai is projected to have a combined GDP of over US$12.8 trillion by 2030.

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US$272 billion

Non oil trade

Non-oil trade between Dubai and Africa is valued at US$34 billion having amounted to US$272 billion over the 2011–2019 period.

A thriving market for innovation

A thriving market for innovation

Supporting business growth

The emirate takes pride building its knowledge ecosystem to support businesses of tomorrow. Dubai also provides a dynamic business events setting, made up of global connectivity, modern hotels and venues, and great hospitality.

As a thriving global marketplace, Dubai attracts and fosters business growth. Its economy is now among the most diversified in the world, with oil accounting for less than 1% of GDP. Dubai also has a very favourable taxation regime with a commitment to transparency. The UAE has one of the lowest tax rates across its competitor countries with ‘nil’ rate of corporate tax and 5% VAT.

A world leading business infrastructure
A multicultural melting pot with world-class infrastructure, pro-business ecosystem and a safe and low-risk operating environment, Dubai enables your business to succeed.

Innovative vision

The emirate’s vision is to take the economy to embrace a future dominated by technological and research-based industries. The UAE continues to attract the highest levels of FDI in the world.
Museum of the Future

Museum of the Future

A hub for talent

Dubai is a magnet for global talent. Its pro-business environment and exceptional standard of living are just some of the reasons why Dubai has attracted some of the world’s greatest talent – not just as a place to work but as a destination to bring their families.
A world of opportunity
Dubai is truly a hub for global business. It offers an unrivalled infrastructure, access to global markets, diversification in its business and social structure, and limitless economic opportunities. 
Dubai  a city where innovation is in the DNA
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Dubai - a city where innovation is in the DNA

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